• Stuck at Home

    Stuck at Home? 8 Interesting Things You Can Do From Home

    You might be stuck at home, but home isn’t such a bad place to be. There are plenty of interesting, enjoyable, and worthwhile things you can do from the comfort of your home. Imagine being stuck at home in the 80’s or 90’s. There are so many things available today that didn’t exist then. It could be worse! Use this time to your advantage. You might not have another opportunity like this again. Make it count! Keep yourself happy and busy at home with these activities: Fly a drone remotely. Did you know that you can pilot a drone in a different part of the world from your computer or…

  • How Much Do You Believe In Yourself
    Belief,  Motivation

    How Much Do You Believe In Yourself

    Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours. It is powered by your desire and controlled by your thoughts and actions. In other words, your success is measured by the strength of your belief. What is it that you desire? Often people do not have a clue what it is they want, they just know what they do not want. Now is a good time to evaluate your goals and determine the end result you want to achieve. Put your goals in writing and place them where you can see them throughout the day. Read them…

  • How To Think Positive In Six Steps
    Mind,  Motivation

    How To Think Positive In Six Steps

    Being surrounded by people with a negative attitude isn’t fun. No matter what happens, for some reason, these people are able to see the worst in every situation. It’s almost as if they are challenged to find something to complain about. What if that person is you? Being stuck in negative thinking is stressful. Not just mentally, but physically, too. How do you change? How do you stop the negative thinking? Many people ask this question. There is an answer, but it takes work. It means changing how you look at the world around you, but also how you see yourself. The first thing to understand is this: positive thinking…

  • How To Boost Your Self-Esteem
    Self-Esteem,  Self-Help

    How To Boost Your Self-Esteem

    Let’s face it, we all have days where we feel less than perfect about ourselves. Our hair just doesn’t seem to fall right, or our clothes are ill-fitting. Although the occurrence of viewing ourselves in a less than ideal manner is natural, the feeling shouldn’t linger. Sadly, thousands of individuals, unfortunately, feel negative about themselves; albeit their appearance or current circumstance. In fact, Dr. Joe Rubino, the author of The Self Esteem Book, reported that over 85% of the world’s population suffers from having a low self-esteem. This statistic leaves us with a world full of beautiful people who are unable to see their beauty for themselves. Are we all…

  • A Process For Successful Predictable Results
    Motivation,  Self-Help

    Process For Successful Predictable Results

    No one can tell you how to do everything. However, there is a general process that can be followed to accomplish nearly anything. Understanding this process and following it can make all of your dreams come true. However, that doesn’t mean that success is easy. It only means that there is a process that provides predictable results. You still have to do the work! Use this process to accomplish anything your heart desires: Know what you want to accomplish. If you want to accomplish something, you have to know what that something is. Be clear on the specific outcome you wish to create. Most people fail to even accomplish this…